In honor of
St. Patrick's Day, I decided to churn up some creamy green goodness. I'm trying to avoid refined sugar so I used a combo of medjool dates and stevia to sweeten it. I added some avocado and spinach for the green as well as collagen, probiotics, and some green banana for the
resistant starch. That's a lot of nutrition packed into a tasty frozen treat!
Mint Chip Super Food Ice Cream
1 very small avocado (half of a medium or large one)
1/4 cup frozen spinach*
1/2 frozen green banana*
1/2 contents of one
probiotic capsule1 Tbs
collagen1 tsp
powdered stevia1/2 tsp
peppermint extract1/4 tsp
real salt1/2 cup
enjoy life chipsBlend all ingredients (except chocolate chips) -- I used my
Vitamix. I blended it for quite some time because I wanted to make sure that everything was completely incorporated. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before churning it in an ice cream maker until it reaches the consistency of soft serve. Empty into a quart sized Tupperware container and mix in chocolate chips. Dish out a nice scoop into a chilled bowl and enjoy! Stick the rest in the freezer and get your super foods in each day for the rest of the week.
I prefer to make my ice cream really rich and creamy as opposed to lighter and less filling. I tend to only eat a tiny bowl of it at a time and really savor it. I find it's much more satisfying than something that I can eat and eat without getting full.
*You can use fresh/not frozen spinach and banana - just chill the mixture longer before churning.
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Mint Chip Super Food Ice Cream. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link https://healthygeelong.blogspot.com/2014/03/mint-chip-super-food-ice-cream.html. Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.